Re: Sendmail fixkit
Sat, 25 Feb 1995 09:54:38 -0600 (CST)

> 	Disallowing mailaddresses with '/' in is going to blow away any
> 	gatewayd X.400 adresses = ie
> 	'/I=A/S=Stupid/O=X400/ADMD=Message/PRMD=ButThen/C=TheyAllAre@gateway'
> 	which is the form people here use to get to X.400 addresses.
> 	(I know.. X.400 sucks, but we need to be able to get the header 
> 	thru to a machine which understands X.400 & can deal with the
> 	braindamage).

I haven't looked at the fixkit myself yet, but if it disallows '/' in
addresses, it's going to cause problems with more than X.400.  For
example, the increasingly-popular Lotus SMTP gateway for Lotus Notes puts
slashes into addresses of users with hierarchical certifiers, eg


I don't pretend to be an expert in this area, but it seems to me that
restricting characters that are legal by RFC822 is going to cause
problems.  Authors of SMTP gateways to other mail systems seem to try to
outdo each other in use of strange delimiting characters (ever seen a
Banyan address?), and like it or not, much of the world with Internet
mail access is behind one of these beasts.


Robert Dana <>         (713) 650-6522 x40
UNIX and IP Network Specialist, Sendmail Guru in training
Wolf Communications, Houston, TX             Go WorldCom!